Hack the Hacker: Mastering the Art of Cyber Defense

Your software, hardware, and user setups are like a playground for hackers, costing around $6 trillion annually and going up. Regular testing is crucial, but we take it a step further with training and ongoing resources.

Penetration testing finds vulnerabilities, known and unknown, but the real value is in the lessons learned. Our team provides insights that keep your risk assessments informed, making yearly tests not enough. You need continuous context to predict and stop attacks before hackers even begin.

What Kind of Penetration Test Do You Need?

Penetration testing is designed to help you assess the effectiveness level of your security teams. We try to identify possible security issues that can lead to the leak of sensitive information or a case when a malicious user, without appropriate permissions, could get access to sensitive information.

Our penetration testing activities fall into one of the following categories:

Penetration Testing as a Service

Exploit vulnerabilities in hosts accessible via the Internet
Assess the extent of your vulnerability to insider attacks
Check whether any sensitive data is under risk of leakage
Detect security holes in your mobile app